An extremely abbreviated screenshot pipeline
Named in homage of the un(der?)-appreciated Will Forte vehicle. Like its namesake, I expect this project to make no money.
Imgruber is my attempt to reduce my screenshot-to-URL time as much as possible. Its original objective was to make gamedev tweets and forum posts less time consuming to make, but can be used for whatever. Go nuts.
Run the program. It'll post up in your task tray. From there, double-click its icon or push Print Screen (by default). Your cursor should turn into a selection crosshair. Click and drag a rectangle. As long as you have a working internet connection, it'll upload your cropped screenshot anonymously to imgur and copy the URL directly into your clipboard.
If you right click on the task tray icon and select "Configuration" you can change the hotkey. You can also make it automatically (well sorta) tweet for you, if you're logged in to twitter on your default browser. If enabled, it'll open a new window or tab and prime a tweet with your imgur link. It'll even prepend some text if you add it here.
Additionally, you can select an imgur link format, the same styles as defined on the actual imgur upload pages. Nice if you want to spit this stuff directly into a forum post &c.
Right click on the task tray icon. Click "Close".
Get at me: Tweet to @evilwizards